Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Painting-not so much fun.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to paint the hallway and stairway. It's one of few rooms we didn't touch when we bought the house. It was a nice cream, I suppose. I got the crazy idea a few months ago that I should finally hang all those pictures I got done of my daughter when she was a baby so I decided to tie both projects together. Since I spent so much on the photos, I decided I wanted the least noticeable frames possible and I wasn't going to mat them. This is a huge departure for me. The few that are up were done beautifully in a frame shop. I figure I'll eventually have to add in a few more elaborate frames to balance out the mix. So, I bought all the cheap front loading black plastic frames Walmart had to offer. I may need to order more. I also had a friend make me a lovely vinyl quote to hang about the one set. I still have a week or 2 for the paint to cure so I've got plenty of time. Right? Maybe.

In the mean time, I got impatient and hung the wall words I found at Walmart while shopping for those frames. They look OK but my bumpy old yucky plaster walls may not support vinyl letters for long. I hope the hallway is smoother but won't hold my breath. They were easy to reposition but I was bummed that they were not all one piece. I didn't do a chalk line or use a level. The result is crooked and funky. I took a picture but later fixed 2 of the letters.

I also decided to get rid of my old window treatment. It was dark, heavy and boring. When I worked downtown, I would frequent (and I mean frequent) a gorgeous little vintage store. One day, she displayed a stack of petticoats from the 20s. They were so pretty and delicate. It was cheaper to buy all 12 then to buy just the ones I wanted so I went for it. My intention was to frame them and give them as gifts but that never happened. Then, a few years later, I had a little girl. I intended (once gain) to use them in her nursery but that never got done. So, for now, a few of them hang in my little window seat window. It's an odd sized window anyway. It needs a bit more but I'm not sure how to spruce them up. They really are just darling. I do hope I frame a few one day.

Pictures to come!